Food for the Earth in the press

The purpose of the Food for the Earth project is to is to raise the awareness of the public regarding the benefits of using compost to improve or maintain high quality soil, to grow healthy plants, reduce the use of fertilizer and pesticides, improve water quality and protect the environment. Therefore the contribution of the press to spread information about our project is crucial for our teams. Thank you. press release in romanian

Runda de finanțare Climate Community Lab (Laboratorul Comunității Climatice) și-a anunțat câștigătorii: Nora Feldmar (HU), Cristina Briziou (RO), Irena Sabewa (BG) și Milena Agopyan (BG)

Business Review press release in english

Projects “Apro’tech”, a Hungarian-Bulgarian collaboration, and “Food for the Earth”, a Romanian-Bulgarian collaboration, are the two winners of the EUR 20,000 Climate Community Lab seed funding. press release in romanian

Apro’tech și Food for the Earth, câștigătoarele finanțării Climate Community Lab. article in english

Urban Cultor: Bucharest project bets on urban gardening’s potential, works to get city residents to compost