“Food for the Earth” is a community based initiative for composting on site.
It builds low carbon infrastructure and offers low carbon services as an integrated and innovative green economy and social approach. It offers well designed and beautiful community composting systems, where the community provides the raw materials and benefits from the end product. It creates spaces for social cohesion and transgenerational connections – adults, kids and elderly. It empowers local communities and promotes climate-friendly behavior and ways to live.
Design, build, install and operate shared compost locations in urban areas and create and communicate campaigns about composting at the household level is a very natural and responsible step for climate change mitigation and soil regeneration.
The event “Compost café, Community and Soil” is dedicated to community willing to understand the process, to implement composting projects in their neighbourhood but also public administration open to support similar projects. We will discuss about existing legislation and possible changes to renew it, about already existing projects and possibilities to scale them.
Key Features
Our main goal is to create, adapt, transfer knowledge and raise awareness among citizens and municipalities about soil’s health in urban and periurban areas.
Addressing the issue of organic waste will help solving a lot of problems starting with decreasing of landfilling, improving organic waste management, increasing ecological awareness and engagement of the citizens and closing the chain (circular economy) as well as creating green jobs.
Event Details
Organizer : Urban Cultor Compost in urban areas
Start Date : 2023-06-09
End Date : 2023-06-09
Time : 8.30 am
Cost : Free
Event Venue
Venue : Parc Cinematograf Floreasca
Address : no. 2 Ludwing van Beethoven street, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail : contact@urbancultor.ro
Phone : 0742188912
Website : http://www.urbancultor.ro